Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Big Island of... Istanbul?

When we think of the 'Big Island' we think Hawaii. Well, in the Sea of Marmara and off the coast of Istanbul, there are nine islands called the "Princess Islands" - four are inhabited and house some of the richest residents of Istanbul (who often keep their summer homes there). The biggest island is called "Buyukada" (buyuk = big; ada = island). Duh... :)

Last Wednesday I spent the day at the Buyukada. The best part about going to the island was the remarkable views of the Istanbul coast. For transportation, they only allow horse/carriages and bikes (the occasional mule is okay, too). No cars! So the weather was nice and the air was fresh (well, smelled of sea water, of course)!

For 10 liras (about $10 bucks) I rented a bike for the day and pedaled the entire island! The ride was quite spectacular and the complete tour took me only an hour. I wish was able to video tape my ride (then I could have shown it in one of those video-based cycling classes)!

Halfway in my tour, a police officer on motorcycle drove up along side me. Nice guy doing his island rounds. (Can't imagine there being any major police action 'round these parts, but...) As we were talking (and riding), he asked me to join him on a Fanta break. (Didn't know people actually asked to "wanna, wanna - Fanta, Fanta?") We stopped at the local gazebo and talked for a few minutes about places to see on the island. (Though this sounds like the perfect set up for an island fling, don't get any flirty ideas - he was just a nice kid in his early 20s trying to help out the lost tourist.) I never saw him after that. (Get your mind out of the gutter.)

Anyway, after my sugar high, I headed to the top of the island where there was a restaurant overlooking another island. I parked my bike and enjoyed a wonderfully delicious meal!

After lunch I rode through some of the side streets and residential neighborhoods to check out some of the old, traditional summer homes. I was so close to pulling a "can I use your bathroom" stunt so I could get a peek inside the houses - but I decided against it. Good thing, too, because I later found out that the signs outside the gates that read "Dikkat, Kopek var" meant "Beware of dog" :)

Overall, it was a great day! Got a lot of sun, a lot of exercise and explored a place I'd never been to before. :)

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