Sunday, May 25, 2008

Wii-Fit A World-Wide Phenomena!

Once again, while walking down İstanbul's famous Bağdat Caddesi, I came across a demo of the Wii-Fit. A crowd of people surrounded a kid while he tested his skiing skills.

Although viewers seemed wildly excited about this new game, hardly anyone was buying it because of its cost. The Wii console is (in Turkish liras) the US equivalent of 600-700 dollars!

No fear. In time, not only will the cost of the Wii go down. But new and improved (and more affordable) exergames will enter the market.

The fact remains - exergames are not going away anytime soon. It will continue to grow as a global trend! Just ask my exergaming friends Ernie (the Exergaming Evangelist) and Alasdair (the Exergame Physiologist)!

1 comment:

Dr. Ernie "PA Evangelist" Medina, Jr. said...

Yikes, that's expensive! Guess they have other things higher up on the priority list to buy other than exergames. Nevertheless, that's cool you found this demo in Turkey--keep the updates coming!